The Theatre of Mahesh Dattani

28th March 2015, Saturday.

The book launch of ‘The Theatre of Mahesh Dattani’ edited and compiled by Mohini Khot and released by renowned playwright Mahesh Dattani on the occasion of World Theatre Day was a very enthusing I really liked the encomiums showered by Dr. Gulshan Gidwani, principal of St. Mira’s College on Mohini Khot for promoting literature in a big way. Mohini was in full form narrating her evolving career scale as a Professor of English in her impeccable diction. Her stress on the global recognition of the usage of ‘Indian English’ by Indian authors was appealing. Her evaluation of some of Dattani’s prominent plays was also very enlightening. The three young writers who spoke about their well researched essays on Dattani’s plays were brilliant. Mahesh Dattani was forthright in an unassuming manner while answering the several questions posed by Mohini and members of the audience. This hearty tête-à-tête enabled us to gain a lot of insight into his writings. His empathy for transgenders as the outcasts of society is laudable. All in all, a very enjoyable program.

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